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Bulk Purchase – 5 Electives


Purchase 5 electives…

The Art of Journaling

Your Dharma Explored

Intuitive Meditation for Children & Teenagers


Business Statements

Quantum Physics

Create your Meditation Business




SKU: 5453-1-2-1 Categories: ,


5 Elective Subjects (please note that 3 of these Electives will be included in your Intuitive Meditation Teacher Training course):

Your Dharma Explored:

Spend time exploring your own Dharma, as you embrace and embody your own unique gifts that you can bring into your practice.

Your Dharma Explored is a personal journey to create and set your personal and business Dharma, your unique gifts / greater picture of your life.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word for ‘right direction’ or ‘righteous living’. Your Dharma essentially means your purpose in life, your true calling, what you were put here to do!

“Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to share with others”. Unknown

During this elective, you will explore and experience…

  • Explore power-filled techniques to define your Dharma
  • Understand how you can move forward in your Dharma
  • Be witnessed in your Dharma
  • Create an action plan moving forward to align yourself to your Dharma.


A journey with Journaling:

Discover your own journey with journaling as you learn the importance of why and how to journal to compliment and expand into your Meditation practice.

The Art of Journaling invites you to learn the importance and craft of journaling.

Journaling is an important and essential component to your Self-Devotional time. It is a space where we sit and allow ourselves to be present to exactly what is in this moment, away from judgement and expectations. Meeting life in the ‘isness’ of life.

“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time”. Mina Murray

During this elective, you will learn and experience…

  • Learn why journaling is SO important to your self-devotional time.
  • The 5 essential elements to journaling.
  • Create your own commitment to journaling.
  • Experience many different types of journaling techniques, ones that I use in my personal devotion.
  • A 10-day Journaling Journey.


Children and Teen’s Meditation Practices:

Learn specific age-appropriate Meditation techniques for children and teenage Meditators.

During this elective, you will learn…

  • The importance of creating a space for children and teenagers to experience Intuitive Meditations.
  • Releasing anxiety in children and teenagers through powerful Breathing Techniques.
  • Understand the 5 essential feeling states that children and teenagers need to feel confident and happy.

You will also receive the scripts for Standard Intuitive Meditations for Children & Teenagers that you can start using now. Please note all Standard Intuitive Meditations are listed with “Reflection Questions” for your client, bringing in more understanding for your client.

YouTube Playlist of all Standard Intuitive Meditations in Audio format for you to experience before you bring these to your children & teenage clients.



Embodiment is the key to moving forward, practicing and sharing Intuitive Meditations. Together we will explore how you can live a fully embodied life.


Business Statements:

Create your own Business Statements in a unique way to align your business with your heart-space.


Quantum Physics:

Together we will explore and experience the Quantum Field and understand why this is so important within Intuitive Meditations.


Sound and Meditations:

Learn how to incorporate vibrational sound into your Meditations using many different types of instruments.


Kind Mindfulness:

Learn the art of mindfulness within your Meditation practice and learn how to become mindful in our everyday lives.


All Elective Subjects will be emailed to you upon registration for you to explore at your own pace.

I look forward to sharing these with you! xx


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