Inviting Presence Into Your Life

Inviting Presence Into Your Life

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I recently had the pleasure of spending an evening with Eckhart Tolle.

This man oozes presence!

Eckhart talked about PRESENCE to this very moment! Exactly as this moment presents itself to us! Not in the past or the future but in the here / now.

Often in life I (maybe we) get caught in our past stories and our projections of the future…..Eckhart called this the there / then of life!

Maybe take a moment to actually consider this for a moment!

Does your monkey mind focus on thoughts of the past….things that have happened, things that people have said / not said, things that you wished you had done differently?

Does your monkey mind then slip into future mode…predicting what might happen in the future, what life will look like, what you wish life could be?

But how often is your monkey mind actually just in the HERE and NOW?

This PRESENT moment?

I know for me, often it is a skip and a jump (okay maybe a slippery slope) between the past and the future. And somewhere between I forget that life is lived in this moment…not in my past stories or in my predictions of the future.

Life is lived right now….this moment dictates and creates the past and the future.

One a side note…according to Dr Joe Dispenza only 50% of the past that we tell ourselves is actually true! The rest is made up…almost like the game of Chinese Whispers, the more times you tell or rethink the story the story changes and the changes will always be reflective of what we are feeling in this present moment (not what actually happened factually in the past).


So maybe this is reminder for me (and maybe for you) that all we ever have is THIS moment right NOW!

How do you meet this moment of now? In love or in fear? In your stories or in presence?



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