Explore TRUST and benefit of Meditation

Explore TRUST and benefit of Meditation


2022 has begun with a fullness! Covid has been swirling around and with my family, which has bought many opportunities to practice TRUST!

Trust that life is always exactly as it needs to be even when I do not know (or cannot control more specifically!) what is going to evolve for myself or my family members.

Trust that I am always supported in love in each and every moment. Held in the loving arms of life!

Trust that I (and others) are always doing their best with what they can in that moment.

This has meant finding those moments of pause between it all, between the emotions, worries, stories, dramas…. Those moments when you can be still to let it all be. You see these moments of pause are when I am in meditation. When I physically close down my eyes, and sit in the quiet of my heart. But one of the beautiful side benefits (and some days I would call these main benefits) of meditation is that it invites in this pause throughout your day…as you act and react in life (no eyes closed just in life)!

This benefit becomes more and more prevalent the more you become curious for these in your day!

A practice of meditation is not just about the moments when you close down your eyes, it is about the impact and flow on from meditation into your everyday life. It helps you to slow down your thoughts, create a little pause between life’s reactions and most importantly to remember your true nature of love.

This has been something that my husband will comment on since I began my daily meditation practice (5 years ago now!), that I am no longer reacting from a space of hypervigilance. Instead from a more centred and settled space.

I am curious to hear how your practice of meditation flows into your everyday life. Let me know!




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