The Rhythm Of Our Hearts

The Rhythm Of Our Hearts

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Our hearts have been proven to be so much more than just an organ in the middle of our chest! The Rhythm Of Our Hearts is so much more!

It has been scientifically proven (with HeartMath Institute) to be our source of our INTUITION and our INNATE KNOWING.
Our Heart Rate Variability (HRV) or our heart’s rhythm will change according to our emotional state. This idea was first published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 1995. The article called: ‘The Effects of Emotions on Short-Term Power Spectrum Analysis of Heart Rate Variability’.  They concluded that “positive emotions lead to balance within the sympathetic nervous system and anger on the other hand can significantly increase fight or flight activation”.

The largest electromagnetic field is emitted by our hearts, reaching far beyond our bodies and connecting us with our true nature and infinite potential.

They also found that the heart’s electromagnetic field is connected to the brain and can even influence cognitive function. By practicing heart-focused meditation they had improved memory and attention compared to those who did not.

By learning to listen to and tune into our hearts, we can tap into our intuition and innate knowing, improve our emotional and cognitive well-being. And potentially, even connect with others in a deeper, more meaningful way.

We feel this truth in our lives, but it is so exciting when science actually catches up with us!
Are you curious? Intuitive Meditation Teacher Training begins on Monday 30th January 2023, where you will learn that this meditation technique is based in the scientific facts of our hearts! Where our truth exists 💙💙



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